Transshipment ServiceTEL: 778-803-2199

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Beginning in June, Xiyou Post and Beihai Qiangqiang have joined forces to create sunshine channels for customers to choose from. As a law-abiding formal logistics company, we need to provide customers with more secure, safe and stable services, and act in accordance with national standards, so that customers will not bear losses or even legal liabilities due to mistakes in the logistics and transportation process. This service is still being promoted and is only received and operated at the main store. All franchise points and franchised cargo stations do not provide Beihai channel services for the time being.


A variety of solutions, convenient overseas shopping


West mail Beihai channel The first weight starts at 1 pound, and the additional pound will be charged at a rate of 0.1 jump, which is very beneficial!


Professional transshipment service team, absolute sea shopping experience


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Tel: 778-803-2199

Work Time:9:00-18:00

Address:Unit 119 - 7080 River

Road Richmond BC Canada
